Thursday, March 8, 2012

My Book and My Website Number 2

     While it is raining here, I'd thought I would share something with you about my own creation. I have created a book that will probably come out on in about a year or so. It is called The Dwarf's Adventure 3 Death Avenger. It is the follow up of books 1 and 2, but book one is not for sale because at the time I did not know about online selling! Anyway, it is 124 pages and is the longest book I have ever written.(book 2 is 20 pages and is 13.00 bucks, according to Blurb, so I would not recommend buying it, because I do not get any money.) So, anyway, you could see sneak peaks of the 3rd book on my other site, www.dwarfsadventure. And on that site random stuff is also posted, but nothing inappropriate! 
Hope all is well with you and your families,

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